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Information about Purim.
In the twelfth monthwhich is the month of Adaron its thirteenth dayon the day that the enemies of the Jews were expected to prevail over themit was turned aboutthe Jews prevailed over their adversaries.Esther 9:1.
Purim is celebrated on the 14th day of Adarwhich is usually in MarchThe 13th of Adar is the day that Haman chose for the extermination of the Jewsand the day that the Jews battled their enemies for their livesOn the day afterwardsthe 14ththey celebrated their survivalIn cities that were walled in the time of JoshuaPurim is celebrated on the 15th of the monthbecause the book of Esther says that in Shushana walled citydeliverance from the massacre was not complete until the next dayThe 15th is referred to as Shushan Purim.
Purim is celebrated on the 14th day of Adarwhich is usually in MarchThe 13th of Adar is the day that Haman chose for the extermination of the Jewsand the day that the Jews battled their enemies for their livesOn the day afterwardsthe 14ththey celebrated their survivalIn cities that were walled in the time of JoshuaPurim is celebrated on the 15th of the monthbecause the book of Esther says that in Shushana walled citydeliverance from the massacre was not complete until the next dayThe 15th is referred to as Shushan Purim.
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