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Information about Glucotrol.
Do not use this medication if you are allergic to glipizideor if you are in a state of diabetic ketoacidosisCall your doctor for treatment with insulin.
Glucotrol is only part of a complete treatment program that may also include dietexerciseweight controlregular blood sugar testingand special medical careFollow your doctor’s instructions very closely.
Observe patients carefully for 1-2 weeks when being converted from long half-life sulfonylureas to glipizidebecause of potential for overlapping of hypoglycemic effects.
Glucotrol is used together with diet and exercise to improve blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Over timepeople who have diabetes and high blood sugar can develop serious or life-threatening complicationsincluding heart diseasestrokekidney problemsnerve damageand eye problemsTaking medication(smaking lifestyle changese.gdietexercisequitting smokingand regularly checking your blood sugar may help to manage your diabetes and improve your healthThis therapy may also decrease your chances of having a heart attackstrokeor other diabetes-related complications such as kidney failurenerve damagenumbcold legs or feetdecreased sexual ability in men and womeneye problemsincluding changes or loss of visionor gum diseaseYour doctor and other healthcare providers will talk to you about the best way to manage your diabetes.
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